We are running a liveblog with Edinburgh Central MSP Marco Biagi later today from 5.30p.m. Do you have any questions for him? Then you can either email us or add your questions to the liveblogĀ here.Ā 

Even if you cannot find the time to tune in this evening then you will be able to read after the event. But given that Biagi is one of the newest MSPs in Scotland, and that he represents the city centre, we feel that our readers will have many questions for him. Then on Monday 29 August at 5.30 we will have a liveblog with Labour MSP Sarah Boyack Ā who represents the Lothians and on Thursday 1 September Malcolm Chisholm Labour MSP for Edinburgh North & Leith will be here. We hope you will take advantage of these online surgeries to air the good and the bad about Edinburgh.

The Edinburgh Evening News has uncovered a story about underpayments and overpayments on Lothian Buses. On the one hand LB take in around Ā£340 too much in the way of fares each day, but apparently they also receive foreign coins or fake coins and the underpayments are around Ā£300,000 per annum. So is it not time that we had an Oyster card system? We would like that.

Interested in road safety? Then have a read at the Streets Ahead website. There are hints for pedestrians, cyclists and motorists on how to stay safe.

Better Nation is a blog you cannot afford to miss if you are interested in Scottish politics. A post today asks if Megrahi can now be handed over the US. We presume that they can find him first. It seems that some other key players in Libya have gone underground….although the canvas is changing so quickly it is hard to keep up with the news.



We were interested to see that the Sea Kelpies are now welcoming travellers to Edinburgh Airport. But then we found out that this is only for a month. So where will these equine creatures go then? They are the work of Andy Scott who has also produced the Beacon of Hope sculpture in Belfast as well as the Heavy Horse on the M8.