A new mentoring and development programme for emerging playwrights has been announced this week. Edinburgh-based theatre production company, Siege Perilous, is introducing the scheme in conjunction with its inaugural Writer-in-Residence Caroline Dunford.

The aim of the ‘Playwrights’ Development Programme’ is to help aspiring playwrights develop their writing skills. Up to six playwrights will be chosen for the programme. Playwrights will be invited to submit a single script or work-in-progress which will be used to determine the final selections. At the end of the programme, the developed work will be workshopped with the production company and a team of professional actors. There is the further possibility that a script will go into a full production.

“We are so pleased that someone of Caroline’s experience has agreed to become our first Writer-in-Residence and that she is so enthusiastic about this new initiative” said Siege Perilous General Manager Tina Finch.

Caroline commented that “There are a number of excellent mentoring programmes available but it is extremely rare to find one that offers such richness of support. Not only does the playwright get direct one-to-one mentoring with me rather than email exchanges, they also get feedback about staging the work and practicalities from an experienced Director and Producer.”

The Company is committed to running the programme for an initial 3-year period subject to evaluations from the first cohort of playwrights in this first year, and funding.

The programme to be operated in Edinburgh will be open for submissions for a 2-week period from 12th September, and any Scotland-based playwright will be eligible to apply. The playwright does not have to have been previously produced, but the work they submit should not have been professionally performed nor used as part of another mentoring scheme. Full details of the programme can be found at www.siegeperilous.co.uk