Sports clubs across Edinburgh are in with a chance of scoring up to £1,000 in funding with the announcement of the Council grant scheme, Pathways into Sport.

Activcity are working in partnership with Active Schools and ClubSportEdinburgh to encourage Edinburgh sports clubs to create new and stronger links with their local schools.

To develop and support these links, which should encourage more young people to develop their sporting and social skills while increasing their physical activity levels, grants of up to £1,000 are available to support a wide variety of projects.

The funding ‘pot’ of around £20,000 for Pathways into Sport was approved as part of the Council’s 2011/12 budget process.

Councillor Deidre Brock, Culture and Leisure Convener, said: “During the budget negotiations, it was a major priority to secure this important funding to help get harder-to-reach groups involved with sport. For example I’m particularly keen to see clubs develop initiatives which encourage more of Edinburgh’s girls to get active and try a new sport. Being part of a sports club is not only good for your physical and psychological wellbeing, it’s also a great opportunity to make new friends and have fun”.

Gordon Drummond, Captain of the Scotland Cricket team, said: “The Pathways into Sport grants will allow for better links between schools and sport clubs. They will also continue the good work that is currently done by sport clubs, Active Schools and sports development staff in the city, while providing a resource to allow all children the opportunity to take part in sport within the city. Who knows, these opportunities could unearth Scotland’s next sporting hero or kick-start a child’s long term participation in sport?”

The announcement of the new grants comes as the city celebrates the biggest ever Festival of Sport, which runs from 6-19 June. Hundreds of free events are on this year’s programme, with taster sessions, demonstrations and competitions to encourage participation in all kinds of sports, from surfing and volleyball to roller hockey and sword fencing.

Here is more about the Festival of Sport which is on right now!

Proposals for Pathways into Sport grants are welcomed from sports clubs across Edinburgh.  Projects should promote the involvement of individuals and groups from local schools who do not usually get involved in sports club activities.

These projects should involve some degree of outreach to places and organisations in and around the clubs’ local schools. Particular emphasis should be placed on encouraging participants to become members of sports clubs.

Examples could include:
•   Establishing a junior “girls only” club section and provide school coaching opportunities to engage girls with the club
•   Providing coaching support to create a “satellite club” held as a partnership with an extra curricular school club
•   Developing a junior disability section within the club and providing coaching taster sessions during school time to encourage pupils with disabilities into the club

All Edinburgh-based sports clubs can apply, provided they have a basic level of minimum operating standards. Deadlines for applications is Friday 15 July 2011.

The clubs, in partnership with their local Active Schools Co-ordinators, will be responsible for ensuring the proposed programme is delivered and will be required to submit a progress report within six months of the grant being awarded.