The candidates:-

Bernard Harkins LAB

Colin Beattie SNP
Ian Younger LIBDEM
Scott Douglas CONS

The result:- Colin Beattie was duly elected MSP with a majority of 2996.

In fact the declaration of this constituency held up the announcement of the votes for Lothians List candidates until 3.30 in the afternoon. The returning officer in Midlothian made this statement:-

“The declaration of regional votes cast in the Midlothian North and Musselburgh constituency was made at around 8.30am this morning and sent to the Regional Returning Officer at 8.44am. At a late stage in the counting process, an arithmetical error involving around 200 regional votes was picked up and resolved through a recount of the ballot papers.

“The regional result for the constituency was declared shortly afterwards.”

“This delay was necessary in order to be certain our results were accurate.”

“The declaration of constituency votes cast in the Midlothian North and Musselburgh constituency was made at 6.47am this morning.”
Midlothian North and Musselburgh Constituency Returning Officer Kenneth Lawrie