The Edinburgh Economic Development Committee will meet tomorrow to discuss, among other things, Councillor Burgess’s proposed initiative, “Remade in Edinburgh”. The Green councillor is championing the project that focuses on re-using and recycling household goods, with the aim of reducing waste and combating climate change.

In addition to this scheme, Burgess is also promoting the idea of local currency that residents can use in local, independent shops.  Burgess claims the initiative would strengthen the local economy while raising awareness about the importance of local trade and reducing Edinburgh’s carbon footprint.

Also on the bill for tomorrow is the motion brought forward by Councillor Hinds to assist Trade unions in their efforts to save Blindcraft, an initiative that employed Blind and Disabled workers for the manufacture of beds and mattresses. The Blindcraft project was brought to a close last month following council decisions made as part of their cost-cutting measures.

The full agenda can be viewed below, and we will have a full report upon the completion of the meeting.


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