One of Scotland’s established independent IT support experts has merged with a rival firm, kick starting a planned series of acquisitions.

Euro Business Solutions (EBS), has successfully absorbed Edinburgh based Interact IT as part of an ambitious growth strategy in the business IT support sector.

The move has added 26 new names to an already impressive 120-strong client roster, which includes Hibernian FC, Edinburgh International Conference Centre, as well as architects, legal firms, medical technology experts and charities.

Founders Alex Donaldson and Bob Bell, who set up the company in 1997, have also welcomed key Interact IT staff into the firm’s purpose-built HQ in East Lothian.

Director Alex said: “The team from Interact IT bring an exciting set of new skills and new clients and we are delighted with how smooth the transition has been.

“The success of this move has underlined how years of investment in our staff, offices and infrastructure have really paid off. We now have a very secure, scalable operation.

“With that knowledge we are now more determined than ever to expand further, hopefully by acquiring a series of like-minded IT support businesses who share our aims and ambitions.”

The latest merger will add around £175,000 a year to the company’s current £1.2m a year turnover and swelled the staff numbers to 13. It follows the 2009 acquisition of another IT company, Eve Networks and its 30 clients.

Alex and Bob believe by acquiring three to four similar IT businesses in the next two years, they can secure a further 100 clients, reach turnover of £2m and expand the service beyond the Central Belt into the rest of Scotland and the North of England.

Bob added: “Many IT companies are struggling as a result of the recession. This kind of acquisition program could be the perfect way for us to protect our position in the market, while giving smaller operators a secure, long-term future.

“We now have a proven template for smoothly absorbing other businesses. We take positive aspects from each of the companies and integrate them into our own operations, making us a stronger and more diverse company in the long run.
“As well as creating the benefits of a larger and stronger business with the experience of some of the best companies in the field,  our aim is to maintain the personal service usually found only in smaller establishments. Our customers are valued and central to our business and we want to reflect this in the way we respond to their needs and requirements.”

Interact IT founder Simon Thomasson now has a key role in business development and client relationship management in the newly enlarged Euro Business Solutions. He expects other IT support businesses would be delighted to join the company.

He added: “It is a tough market and getting tougher. I could have soldiered on growing Interact IT slowly and steadily. However, the reality is that Euro Business Solutions was exactly the kind of company I wanted to become anyway.

“It is built on highest standards of customer service and the team has had many years to create the kind of behind-the-scenes operation smaller companies can only dream of. I’m absolutely delighted to be a part of the enlarged business.”

The firm’s primary area of work is providing Server and PC maintenance and building and supporting computer networks for business clients. It also operates providing short term rental of all IT equipment and large format displays to business users.

Bob added:  “Eve Networks was our first real experience of the acquisition process and the whole process took several months to complete, yet once in place it brought untold benefits to the company.

“Now we are looking further afield in the rest of Scotland and into Northern England, enabling us to strengthen our brand.”

As well as increased turnover, the merger with InteractIT has also allowed EBS to expand their range of services, as they are now able to offer remote back up solutions as well as additional ISP (Internet Service Provider) solutions.

More information about Euro Business Solutions can be found at