The first official day of election campaigning in the Scottish elections has dawned bright and spring-like.

Professor Stephen Salter, inventor of the Salter Duck which you can see in the National Museum of Scotland,  has been awarded the very first Saltire medal. Salter is the expert on many things but principally wave power, which is being developed here in Edinburgh by Aquamarine Power and Pelamis.

Lothian Buses will increase their fares at the beginning of April to £1.30 for a single fare. What do you think? do you think it is one step too far? Will it stop you using the bus?

Edinburgh International Festival has launched its programme of events for 2011. We will tell you more later – when we have had our bacon roll at the official launch at The Hub!

McDonald’s  in Telford Road is applying for planning permission to erect 11 free-standing illuminated signs. Just one small problem it seems that they cannot afford the correct fee…! Or at least the planning application is in limbo until the fee is paid… You can look at the application here.

The Spurtle is holding a hustings event tonight. Will you be there? If so please tell us if you will be tweeting!

Hustings for the Scottish Parliamentary election
Wednesday, 23 March 2011 – 7:30pm – 9:15pm
Broughton St Mary’s Parish Church, Bellevue Crescent

Candidates for the Edinburgh Northern and Leith constituency will answer questions from the audience.

Confirmed participants: Maggie Chapman (Scottish Greens); Malcolm Chisholm (Labour); Dan Farthing (Lib-Dems); Margo MacDonald (Independent); Shirley-Anne Sommerville (Scottish National). A Conservative candidate will attend, but we don’t yet know which one. The Liberal Party in Scotland may also be represented.

The event is free, although voluntary contributions to cover Spurtle’s costs would be appreciated afterwards.

Disabled access is available.