The worst kept secret has been officially revealed today. The Queen’s grand-daughter, Zara Phillips, will marry England rugby captain, Mike Tindall, at Canongate Kirk in Edinburgh on July 30th 2011.

Tonight at the junction of Buccleuch Street and West Crosscauseway there  a Pop-Up Event is taking place this evening.

PopUP Lighting at The Causey
Wednesday 9 March 2011

In a flash, or flashmob, 50 torchbearers will be spectacularly lighting up part of Edinburgh’s South Side, banishing the gloom of winter and showing some of our great buildings in a new light.

The Causey Development Trust, in collaboration with professional lighting designers, has created this event to highlight the historic significance of these buildings and the potential of The Causey as a place for people where community events happen. The event also draws attention to the history and cultural significance of this part of the South Side of Edinburgh on the edge of the World Heritage site.

Torchbearers are local people, residents and members of local community groups, Causey supporters, and students, mainly from Edinburgh and Napier University.

The event begins with advice to “guerrilla” torchbearers at the South Side Community Centre then moves to the site for the lighting up.

But which buildings will receive the “treatment”?

If you are in Buccleuch Street at the junction with West Crosscauseway between 7.45pm and 8.30pm on Wednesday 9 March you will see the spectacular result!

We hope to have some photographs for you tomorrow….

The Scotsman tells us that the Sir Patrick Geddes Centre will be created in Riddles Court and will become a centre to honour the philosopher.

Two Edinburgh nurseries appear to be set for closure according to the Guardian Edinburgh at the full council meeting tomorrow. We will be there and will let you know what we do as soon as we can. Of course if the Council introduced wifi in the City Chambers then we could live blog…..

And rather unsurprisingly the boss of one of  Edinburgh’s banking institutions, The Royal Bank of Scotland, Stephen Hester, has opted to accept his £4.5m bonus but not without a lot of people having a lot to say about it….The Herald reports.