Edinburgh based femme-fronted grunge/punk trio Scrap Brain have announced that their debut single, ‘Nal’, will be released at a launch gig on Friday 8th April 2011.

That show will take place at Maggies Chamber, and will feature a live performance from the band and support from Lady North, Jump: Press A and Art of Privilege.

The single was recorded at Verden Studios and is being promoted by New Found Sound as part of the band’s development deal awarded to them for being judged the best band of the 2010 ‘Friday Night Live at Frankenstein’s’ competition.

The event is being organised by Ginger Music Promotions and will include drink deals on the bar. Tickets are available in advance for £3 from TicketWeb or from Scrap Brain, and will be available on the door for £5. Doors for the gig open at 7:30pm.

You can listen to them here…..

Nal by scrapbrain