The latest state-of-the-art care home commissioned by the City of Edinburgh Council is to be called Inch View.

Pupils at neighbouring Liberton Primary School drew up a list of possible names after carrying out research into the history of the area.

Residents and staff of the two current care homes, Balmwell House and Craigour then voted on the name. The move into the new building off Gilmerton Road will take place in the spring.

The £8m home, being built on the site of the former Kings Inch school, is due to officially open in the summer and will be the fourth new care home to be commissioned by the City of Edinburgh Council since 2007.

GRAHAM Construction, who are building the care home, donated £100 worth of book tokens to the school as part of the naming competition.

P3 pupil Blair Robertson won £30 of tokens after his name was pulled out of the hat and the school received another £70.

Liberton Primary School acting head teacher Fiona Murray said: “The children had a great time researching the history of the area looking for potential names and we’re delighted that Inch View was the winner as that was a favourite one of the pupils.”

The City of Edinburgh Council’s Health and Social Care vice-convener, Cllr Norman Work, revealed the winning name at a special school assembly.

He said: “Inch View is a name that fits in perfectly with the history of the area and I’m sure that the local community will give a warm welcome to residents and staff.

“I was very impressed with the facilities when I recently visited the building as this new home will give residents the opportunity to stay in accommodation, which is more suitable to their needs and gives them a better standard of living.

“As part of our Live Well in Later Life strategy we are committed to offering high quality residential care for older people in the city and giving them a home for life.”

Service users were consulted at length over the design of the new building, which is sub-divided into smaller group living units of 15 bedrooms, each with their own sitting and dining areas.  Bedrooms all have en-suite shower rooms and are of a good size – above the national standards for care homes.

The Council are also hoping members of the local community will take an active role in the life of the new care home by sharing their skills/resources and considering different roles such as volunteering.

The new care home is part of Edinburgh’s Live Well in Later Life strategy, which aims to provide a wide range of quality care and support to meet older people’s needs, both in their own homes and in carefully designed homes. The new care home will be beneficial in providing a caring and supportive service for older people so they can enjoy a better quality of life.