by Councillor Stefan Tymkewycz, Councillor for Craigentinny/Duddingtston

I am calling all local youth groups and uniformed organisations, in my Craigentinny/Duddingston Ward, such as the Boys Brigade, Scouts and Girl Guides who are looking for some additional funding!

Justice Secretary and our local MSP, Kenny MacAskill, has announced a significant expansion of the CashBack for Communities programme: – £1.5 million injection of cash in a scheme that benefits the following six organisations: The Scout Association, Girlguiding, Boys Brigade, Girls Brigade, Clubs for young people and Youth Scotland.

The latest CashBack programme was established to support local volunteer-led groups to enhance their programmes for young people and get positive projects off the ground.  The scheme will fund:the start up costs of a youth group (up to £1,000): The costs (or part of the costs) of a particular programme of activity (up to £2,000) and this can  also include equipment. CashBack for Communities funding comes from money and goods seized from organised crime under the Scottish Government’s Proceeds of Crime initiative.  Kenny MacAskill said:- “The Scottish Government is rightly proud of its CashBack for Communities programme that seizes the ill-gotten gains of criminals and hands it to the young people of Edinburgh and Scotland through a growing series of activities.  We have now committed nearly £24 million pounds of crooks’ money to CashBack, helping in excess of 300,000 youngsters”.

This funding announcement of £1.5 million will help carry on the good work and will also see four other innovative projects given the funds they need to make a difference for Scotland’s young people, be they at pre-school age through the Just Play project, or through the Prince’s Trust Development Awards.

If you think your group or organisation qualifies for a grant from CashBack for Communities you can find more information and also find out how to apply at: or by contacting me at the City Chambers on 529 3277.

The Scottish Government have some photos illustrating the Cashback for Coummunities on their Flickr Photostream which you can see here….

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