THE 14TH EDINBURGH INDEPENDENT RADICAL BOOK FAIR – THE ALTERNATIVE BOOK FESTIVAL will take place from Wednesday 27th to Sunday 31st October 2010 in The Out of the Blue Drill Hall, 30-38 Dalmeny Street. More details on the Word Power books website.

The Corn Exchange My Chemical Romance Monday 25th October 2010 Plus support from Twin Atlantic Doors open 7pm Over 14s Only

Giant Pub Quiz organised by Edinburgh Businesswomen’s Club on 28th October at The Corn Exchange. Raising funds for St Columba’s Hospice. More details here

And also at The Corn Exchange Baby Loves Disco is on 31st October at 2pm. More details and tickets here.

Ray Mears comes to The Corn Exchange on 31st October. The worldā€™s leading authority on fieldcraft and survival, Ray Mears, whose ā€˜Survivalā€™ series is currently airing on ITV on Sundays is returning to bring his unique one man show to Scotland and Northern Ireland later this year.
Details on how to get tickets here.

Behind Europe’s oldest stories are the great tales of India. See them reunited, and drink deep from the refreshing well of tradition in an intoxicating evening of story, music and song with Linda Williamson, Jeeva Raghunath and Geeta Ramunajam, hosted by David Campbell at The Scottish Storytelling Centre on 29th October. Tickets available here.

Sheila Fleet is at Jenners to launch her new range of jewellery complete with harpist and Orkney produce on Thursday 28th October.

25th October 2010 at The Royal Observatory Edinburgh Russell Eberst talks about The Night Sky in November “What delights can we look forward to in the night sky in November?”

Talks run on Monday evenings from 7:30pm-8:30pm, in the Royal Observatory Edinburgh Lecture Theatre. Booking is not required for the talks, and tickets can be bought on the door. Season tickets will be available from the start of the programme.

Tickets: Ā£3 adults, Ā£1.50 children/concessions. Season tickets: Ā£20 adults, Ā£10 children/concessions.

More information from their website.

On Tuesday 26th October at The Storytelling Centre there is an event starting at 10 and 11.30a.m for childen up to 3 years called Tiny Tales: Eastern Routes. More details here.

29th October is Tell a Story Day. The Scottish Storytelling Centre explains it:-“Tell-a-Story Day is the national celebration of oral storytelling, all over Scotland on Tell-a-Story Day people will be making, sharing and listening to stories in schools, libraries, community centres, churches, hospitals, homes, gardens ā€“ and some more unusual venues!” More information from the Storytelling Centre website.

Edinburgh Napier University are holding an open day on 30th October across all campuses. More information here.

At the Festival Theatre Opera North are staging their production of Pinnocchio from 28th to 30th October. More details at their website. Recommended for children aged 7+.

Nappuccinos are held here on the last Thursday of every month, so there will be one on 28th October. (No event in December). You can chat with other parents using Real Nappies or ask advice from the Project staff. Subsidised incentives can be applied for at the Nappuccino, choose from a Trial Pack or Lending Kit. Money-off vouchers may be available for families on low incomes.Ā  Held at Duncan Place Resource Centre from 10.00am. More details on Greener Leith Social here.