An advertising campaign to encourage Edinburgh residents to take up energy efficiency measures has been launched.

The City of Edinburgh Council is promoting a series of adverts on buses, billboards and bus shelters which will be appearing across the city from April 26.
The campaign called ’Save it! Ways to Reduce Your Energy Bills’ aims to help households save money by accessing energy efficiency schemes that are readily achievable, cost effective and available to everyone.
Some of the current grant schemes include: * The Energy Assistance Package which offers help to people in Scotland finding it hard to heat their homes * Energy Saving Scotland home loans are interest free and can help stop wasting energy, give lower fuel bills and tackle climate change * The Home Insulation Scheme aims to improve the energy efficiency of houses through promoting and installing insulation and other energy saving measures. It is an area-based scheme, with the potential to offer advice and assistance to around 100,000 houses in the first year, with many of these going on to receive measures such as loft and cavity wall insulation.
Councillor Paul Edie, Housing Leader for Edinburgh, said: “There are various grants out there available to home owners yet many of them probably don’t know they exist. We hope this campaign will alert people to what is on offer and encourage them to actively seek out help.
“The recent Scottish Government backed Home Insulation Scheme has proved an outstanding success and seen hundreds of families in the Capital take up not just advice but also energy-saving measures.
“The grants available will help reduce energy consumption and help to tackle fuel poverty. Homeowners will not only see a beneficial impact on the cost of their bills but also ensure their homes are warmer when they most need it.
“These measures will also help reduce our carbon footprint and go towards making our planet greener.”
Mike Thornton, Director, Scotland, for the Energy Saving Trust, said: “I would encourage all householders in Edinburgh to find out about how they can benefit from a variety of grants and offers by calling 0800 512 012 . Calling this number could make your house warmer and lower the amount of money you spend on your energy bills.”
For more information on energy advice visit the Council’s web site at or phone the Energy Saving Scotland advice centre on 0800 512 012