Over 100 pupils from Lorne Primary helped Leithers get into the festive spirit today after performing a number of Christmas carols at the Newkirkgate Shopping Centre.
The performance was the first in a series taking place this week with around 300 local primary school children as the Christmas rush at the centre continues.
Performances by local pupils wearing Santa hats will take place on:
Tuesday 16th 11.00am Victoria Primary
1.30pm: Bun-sgoil Taobh na Pairce
Wednesday 17th 11.00am Hermitage Park Primary
Thursday 18th 11.30am: Prospect Bank Primary
Scott Darroch, centre manager for Newkirkgate Shopping Centre said: “The Christmas rush really is on and it is fantastic to have local children along to perform for our shoppers and continue the long tradition of performing carols for the community.
“Lorne Primary has helped to get the week off to a great start and we hope that lots of people can come along to hear the other schools perform throughout the week. What better way to pick up your Christmas gifts whilst listening to live carol singing!”
Colin McLean, head teacher for Lorne Primary School, said: “The pupils have been practicing for weeks and we all had a fantastic time performing for shoppers at the Newkirkgate. Lots of people joined in the singing too which made it all the more fun!”
The carol singing by local primary pupils has been organised by The Leith Festival Association.
Founding Editor of The Edinburgh Reporter.
Edinburgh-born multimedia journalist and iPhoneographer.