Creative Scotland today announced new funding including its Multi-year funding programme.
This offers three-year funding for creative and cultural organisations to support core costs and programmes of work.
Edinburgh International Festival has been awarded £11.75 million over three years.
The Festival welcomes this announcement which they believe will “shape the Scottish cultural landscape for years to come. Multi-year
funding commitments are critical in providing stability and confidence, and allowing the many benefits of culture to spread throughout communities across the whole country”.
They also point out that The Edinburgh International Festival’s level of core funding had not increased since 2008, and the level of three year grant funding announced today will “benefit the thousands of artists, freelancers, organisations, audiences, and communities that the Festival employs and serves”.
Francesca Hegyi, Chief Executive, Edinburgh International Festival said: “It’s a good day for culture and creativity in Scotland. We welcome this increased investment in the Scottish cultural sector, which will help to showcase the enormous talent of this country. We are grateful for the International Festival’s uplift in funding, which recognises the unique role we play in connecting Scotland to the world, and gives us a firm foundation from which to build. The return of multi-year funding allows us all to plan ahead with greater confidence.”

Founding Editor of The Edinburgh Reporter.
Edinburgh-born multimedia journalist and iPhoneographer.