Toni Giugliano says he wants to represent the various areas of the constituency. He explains: "I work in mental health at the moment and I am witnessing the effects of welfare reform and the impact of...
Blair Heary already looks like a politician, but even though he has been out seven nights a week for some weeks now, he still managed to look fresh with a night's campaigning ahead when we met...
Alan Melville is the UKIP candidate who is at the top of the regional list for Lothian, so if anyone is going to represent the party which aims to take the UK out of...
Willie Rennie has probably been all over Scotland but we have noticed that a lot of his campaigning has centred on Edinburgh. Today he will be at Craigie's Farm just outside the city on the...
It had all the air of a boxing match - the stage set in the middle of the main hall in the EICC. The single podium. Lights, music and an array of press all...
Tonight it is the Broughton Spurtle hustings with so many candidates we wonder how they will all get time to speak!
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Live Blog #SP16 Broughton Spurtle Hustings window.cilAsyncInit = function() {cilEmbedManager.init()};(function() {if (window.cilVwRand...
In 2012 Nick Cook was the youngest person to be elected as councillor in Edinburgh. He is currently Conservative councillor representing the Liberton/Gilmerton Ward of the city.
Now, in 2016, he has been selected to stand as...