Music Box @ Colinton Library - Inaugural Event: An audience with Benny Tetteh-Lartey. A unique chance to meet and listen to the award-winning singer-songwriter and Afro-Scot Beat pioneer, following on his community appearances for Black...
Pakistan Society Heritage Project presents Rural Reflections: an exhibition of rural scenery of Pakistan and Scotland. 'Here we share the stories of ten members of the 50+ group of the Pakistan...
Edinburgh Printmakers Open Day 2014: an opportunity to visit the oldest open access printmaking studio in the UK. Hands-on activities, with printmaking workshops for adults and children, printmaking demonstrations and studio tours. The brand new exhibition No Fixed Abode will be on...
Golden Hare Books presents An Evening with Allan Massie. An eminent Scottish author and journalist, Allan has written over thirty books; his latest, Klaus, is the story of Thomas Mann's son, a bold political activist who...
Dads Rock: part of a multi-award winning network of free playgroups for Dads and Kids (aged 0-5). 10-11.30am today and every Saturday, Whale Arts, 30 Westburn Grove and The Prentice Centre, 1 Granton Mains Avenue (groups operate at...
Edinburgh Independent Radical Book Fair starts today at 6pm! See The Edinburgh Reporter's article for more details; for full programme visit Word Power Books' or Out of the Blue's websites. Tonight: journalist and author Owen Jones on The Establishment:and How They Get Away...
North Edinburgh Grows Drop-In Sessions: for ages 16+. Learn valuable gardening skills to grow vegetables, fruit and herbs. 1-5pm today and every Tuesday, North Edinburgh Arts, 15a Pennywell Court. Free. Keep up to date with with NEA's...
Metals and Marble: an exhibition of contemporary metal and marble sculpture by Chris Muirhead and Simon Burns-Cox, displayed in the gallery with its 17th century Renaissance hand-painted ceiling. 9am-6pm today and everyday until 25th October 2014, Gladstone's...
Marvellous Machines: a Love Science workshop. For ages 5-12. 3-4pm, Corstorphine Library, 12 Kirk Loan. Booking essential: call 0131 529 5506. Free.
Play Poland Film Festival: Munk Studio Special Screenings. Play Poland is the largest mobile film event in the UK, aiming...
The Key Material is Time: Art and Music in Glasgow since the 1970s. Writer, curator and lecturer Dr Sarah Lowndes traces the development of Glasgow's unique and largely self-initiated arts scene...