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Tag: Frank Ross

Deputy Council Leader muses on the Spring 2017 budget

The recent Scottish Government budget, despite supporting local  services and expanding the living wage coverage, was lambasted by the Conservative party in Scotland as creating a situation whereby citizens in Scotland would be taxed...

VIDEO – SNP Conference 2013 – Councillor Frank Ross

Councillor Frank Ross is the SNP councillor for Corstorphine/Murrayfield Ward and is also the city's Economy Convenor.The Edinburgh Reporter asked him for his views on independence, which he was happy to share.[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tpSybriAiEw&w=420&h=315]

St Stephen Street traders guarantee best service

St Stephen Street in Stockbridge is the first retail destination in Scotland to be accredited with a world acclaimed award for excellence in customer service.The street has been named as a WorldHost Recognised Destination for customer service excellence recognised by...

Council Elections 2012 – Meet the candidates – Frank Ross

Frank Ross is the SNP candidate for Corstorphine/Murrayfield Ward.Frank is 52 years old , married to Hannelore with two teenage children. Frank has lived in West Edinburgh for all but two years of his...

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