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What’s On in Edinburgh this week

MONDAY 24TH NOVEMBER 2014 Mrs Mash at The Skylark: songs, stories and joining in fun from Mrs Mash aka Marie Louise Cochrane, the Storytelling Cook, for the under-5s and their parents and carers - this week...

Wednesday in Edinburgh – What’s On Today

Marvellous Machines: a Love Science workshop. For ages 5-12. 3-4pm, Corstorphine Library, 12 Kirk Loan. Booking essential: call 0131 529 5506. Free. Play Poland Film Festival: Munk Studio Special Screenings. Play Poland is the largest mobile film event in the UK, aiming...

What’s On in Edinburgh this week

MONDAY 13TH OCTOBER 2014 The Key Material is Time: Art and Music in Glasgow since the 1970s. Writer, curator and lecturer Dr Sarah Lowndes traces the development of Glasgow's unique and largely self-initiated arts scene...

IT advice – Back up!

EVERY BODY NEEDS BACK UP   Richard Walsh, managing director of It-atWork provides advice on how to keep that all- important computer information safe and sound. Computers are great. We can access all the information we need...

Edinburgh Schools to get 21st Century Communications

Council run schools and the majority of community education centres are set to get access to WIFI as part of a £5.3 million investment IT services.  All establishments will get increased capacity for email...

SNP MP probes the cost of CSA computers

A parliamentary question asked by SNP MP Dr Eilidh Whiteford has revealed that the cost of a computer case management system purchased by the UK Government for the Child Support Agency has more than doubled from its...

Old EICC computers ‘recycled’ to nursery schools

A Scottish IT company has helped youngsters at a local Nursery school get a head start when it comes to computer skills, after donating and installing a fully working computer system. The generous donation came...

Computer Tip #5

If you’ve lost your iPhone, Find My iPhone can help you locate it on a map and protect its data. Display a message on its screen, remotely set a passcode lock, or initiate a...

Computer tip #4 – How to stop Facebook sharing your information

Facebook is to carry out its long awaited plan to allow third-party developers who write applications and games for the site, to access users current address and phone numbers if added to profiles. However, Facebook in...

Computer tip #3 How to back up your XP computer

Most people think about backing up data about 10 minutes after it's too late to do any good. If you realise that you really need a good backup program after your hard disk crashes or your teenager...

Computer Tip #2 – Printer Ink Tips to save money

Have you ever wondered why a lot of printers targeted for home and small office consumers are cheaply priced? You may not be aware of it, but it is an open secret in the...

Computer tip #1

Slow PC? Isn't it time you did something about it then? Here are some tips from Simply FixIT There are a number of reasons why a PC may be slow and it’s NOT the reason...

Simply FixIT

It doesn’t take a genius to understand that cuts in public expenditure will impact on everyone in the public sector. But what happens when an ageing infrastructure meets finely stretched end users and a...


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