Teenager Max James is back with Stellar Monarchs for his second season in 2025 and bosses hope that the up-and-coming racer develops his talent further next year.
The 17-year-old proved a popular addition to the 2024 team and showed great promise in his first season of senior racing, according to Monarchs management.
And the Sheffield-born rider is delighted to be back in the blue and gold next season.
James claims to have learned a lot in his first season at Armadale and said: “I can’t wait to put some points on the board for the team.”
He joins Justin Sedgmen, Victor Palovaara, Jonatan Grahn, Kye Thomson and skipper Paco Castagna in the line-up but John Campbell, Monarchs’ co-promoter, admitted there was a period when it looked as though the racer may not be able to line up in the team for 2025.
Campbell explained: “Max was actually the first name on our team sheet for next season though there was a logistical issue to confirm which took some time.
“In that period, our team plans began to evolve in a different direction before returning back towards our original intention. As soon as this happened, we were delighted to be able to confirm Max as a Monarch for 2025.”
PICTURE: Max James courtesy of Stellar Monarchs
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