David Jacobsen is the Socialist Labour Party Genera Election candidate for Edinburgh North and Leith.

He has 20 years experience as a healthcare worker in the NHS and says he is committed to “a National Health Service available to all at the time of need, on demand and free of all charges – including prescriptions, dental care, and eye care”.

The Socialist Labour Party wants all NHS workers to receive wages and terms and conditions that reflect the social importance of their jobs.

Mr Jacobsen said: “Our objectives include the provision of NHS nursing homes free of charge for people who need them and care homes owned and operated by local authorities and not by private companies chosen by a centralised power controlled by the Scottish government.

“In February this year The Scottish Parliament passed the National Care Service Bill. This allows Scottish ministers to transfer social care responsibility from local authorities. This could include adult and children’s services as well as areas such as justice and social work. I urge consituents to stop the transfer of healthcare functions from the NHS to the new centralised National Care Service.”