Edinburgh Green Westminster candidates will be hosting their own Climate Café at the Climate Festival on Saturday.
Amanda Grimm, Simon Jay, and Jo Phillips will be available to speak to anyone attending the festival about climate solutions and many other issues relating to the General Election
Amanda Grimm, Scottish Green candidate for Edinburgh East and Musselburgh, said: “This election really should have been the climate election – time is drastically running out to make the changes we know we need to make to prevent the worst effects of climate change and protect jobs, homes and nature through a just transition.
“But we have seen time and time again that the other parties are simply not willing to engage with voters about the biggest threat facing our future. I’m glad that the Scottish Greens haven’t been deterred by the apathy shown by other parties and I’ll be joining fellow candidates to talk to Edinburgh residents who know that the climate emergency can’t be ignored any longer.”
Candidates will be available throughout the festival, supported by local volunteers, and hot drinks will be provided.
The Edinburgh Climate Festival will take place in the Meadows on Saturday 29 June 2024 from 12-8 pm. More information here.
The Festival, now in its eighth year, is a free, family-friendly and community-led marketplace event with workshops, performances and more.
The Festival aims to celebrate and inspire community climate action. Entry is free and open to all. There will be activities for all age groups from storytelling and arts and crafts, to free Yoga classes and upcycling activities.
All candidates standing in Edinburgh constituencies are listed here.
Founding Editor of The Edinburgh Reporter.
Edinburgh-born multimedia journalist and iPhoneographer.