
Electric driving has become increasingly popular as humans are moving towards a more sustainable future. One of the brands leading the way in the movement (a step toward sustainable transportation) is Smart.

It is a brand known for offering high-quality and compact electric vehicles specifically designed for urban environments. The good news is that Smart has recently launched its #3 electric car and told the entire world that the future of transportation is here.

In this blog post, we will be taking a detailed look at the advantages of smart electric cars (especially their 3rd electric car) to determine whether it has the potential to transform the future of transportation or not.

6 Major Advantages of Smart Electric Driving

There are numerous advantages of smart electric cars, some of the major ones will be discussed here.

1.      Environmental friendly:

One of the most significant advantages of smart vehicles is their positive impact on the environment.

Unlike traditional cars, electric vehicles produce zero tailpipe emissions, which means these will contribute to releasing harmful pollutants, i.e., carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxide, etc, into the air. This contributes to reducing air pollution and improving overall air quality, which can be highly beneficial for people living in urban areas where air pollution is a major concern.

Environment experts also believe that by shifting from normal cars to smart electric vehicles, we can significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions and control the effects of climate change.

2.      Cost saving:

After reading the heading name, we know the utmost of what you’ll be allowing about how smart cars can bring- saving. Presently, the prices of electric cars are way higher than regular cars.  But let us tell you, the outspoken cost of electric vehicles may be advanced as compared to traditional gasoline-power cars, but these can give cost savings in the long run. The reason for saying this is that the cost of electricity in the utmost corridor of the world is cheaper than gasoline.  

This will affect lower energy costs per afar drive, and bear lower conservation, all thanks to the smaller corridor they have. These also don’t bear frequent oil painting changes and regular tunings. All these will surely save you precious cash. 

3.      Performance advantages:

Apart from being cost-effective, smart electric buses also have multitudinous performance benefits over machine-grounded vehicles. For example, electric vehicle motors deliver a maximum torque from the moment they start. This results in quick acceleration and responsive performance.  Also, the maximum necklace makes smart cars feel more important and nimble as compared to traditional cars.  

Besides this, these vehicles also operate relatively easily since there’s no internal combustion machine generating noise and climate. This will surely affect a better driving experience, making it more pleasurable. 

4.      Compact design and maneuverability:

This is another major advantage of having a smart electric car. Smart specializes in designing electric vehicles that are smaller in size as compared to regular cars. The compact design makes these cars highly maneuverable in urban environments with traffic issues.

Additionally, the compact design makes smart electric cars an ideal option for those urban dwellers who often face issues related to parking or small roads.

5.      Advanced technological features:

Electric cars operate on advanced technologies, which is why they come equipped with advanced features as well to enhance the overall driving experience.

Want to know about the features? We’re then to explain.  The cars come equipped with advanced motorist systems – a set of safety features that are specifically designed to help motorists operate the electric vehicle efficiently. These systems make use of special detectors, cameras, and other sensitive technologies to determine the implicit pitfalls and also automatically give warnings to the motorist. 

Apart from this, smart electric vehicles also offer smartphone integration that enables hassle-free integration between car and mobile phone, providing complete access to navigation, music, hands-free calling, and many more.

Not just this, the #3 model of Smart electric cars also comes with a touchscreen infotainment system that provides seamless access to several entertainment and connectivity options. This feature will ensure that the drivers are fully connected on the go.

6.      Beautiful design:

The new #3 smart electric cars have an avant-garde and sporty look. It has muscular body smooth lines and aesthetic curves. Besides, the electric vehicle also has slimmed-down LED lights and a bold “shark nose.”

Additionally, the vehicle has a long wheelbase along with a short overhang. The design of the car mainly focuses on minimalism and functionality, providing a spacious and comfortable driving experience.

By considering these features, we think smart is right when claiming that electric cars are the future of transportation.

Frequently Asked Questions

How far can a smart electric car travel on a single charge?

The range of electric vehicles depends on the model and capacity of the battery the car has. Talking about the #3 model of Smart, it can travel up to 440km on a single charge.

How long does it take to charge an electric car?

The answer to this question also depends on the type of model, battery capacity, and charging station. If you are using a standard charging outlet, then it may take a couple of hours to become fully charged.

On the contrary, if you are using a fast charging station or outlet, then your car will take around 30 min for a full charge.

Final Words

There is no doubt smart electric driving is the future of transportation. This is due to several reasons, these cars are environment-friendly, seamless to operate, low on maintenance, and offer advanced features.