Since we receive dozens of news stories about sports events around the globe, someone always finds and delivers this news to us. People who travel to places, film events, write interviews and reports, and deliver the final product to the audience do a lot of work. Their work inspires, and lots of individuals want to become sports journalists because of this inspiration. 

A significant part of becoming a journalist is a good education, and we talk not only about basic programs at the university or college. Besides getting theoretical knowledge, students should also know about the practical part. Some things are not mentioned in books and other studying materials, so it’s crucial to help students understand what is needed to become a sports journalist. 

Explore the Sports Industry and Choose Your Path 

The first and most significant step in the career path is to set a clear goal and move toward it. In this case, deciding which way to go and what kinds of sports you want to write about is essential. Since fans always want fresh news about their favorite activity, the media needs talented reporters, commentators, interviewers, and other specialists to produce catchy and engaging content. Decide what inspires you the most and set a goal to become a specialist and take a reporter’s position. 

Photo by Norbert Braun on Unsplash

Get a Degree 

To start a career in sports journalism, obtaining at least a bachelor’s degree in journalism, communications, English, or another related subject is essential. At this stage, individuals gain fundamental skills: 

  • writing 
  • reading 
  • critical thinking 
  • journalism ethics 

Moreover, students discover interviewing and reporting standards and cover specific programs like sports journalism. In some institutions, you can get a degree in sports journalism. 

Gain Experience and Get a Portfolio 

Still, the main thing is about gaining real experience. Universities and colleges offer the student to join internships and try to work as real journalists. Working alongside experienced reporters and specialists who can help you make your first steps in the industry is priceless. If you visited a football match in your hometown, wrote a report about it, and got your report published in a newspaper, it’s a valuable text that can be added to your portfolio. 

Besides joining the internship, you can write for the campus newspaper. If it’s a local media with a team of enthusiasts, you can take responsibility and cover the sport’s block. Create reports, interview athletes representing your campus, visit tournaments, etc. Even though the newspaper you write for has less than 20 readers, it’s still very important. What can be more valuable than interviewing a player who just scored in a crucial match and brought a massive victory for the team? When the media choose candidates, they give an advantage to experienced individuals, and your experience makes a big difference. 

Keep Studying  

Gaining knowledge only from the university is not enough to stand out from the crowd. To become an exceptional reporter, you must know more than a regular journalism degree holder.  

  • Get a master’s degree. 

It’s the next step after getting basic knowledge in a bachelor’s program. You learn about digital technologies, multimedia journalism, and the field you choose with your specialty. It includes learning new methods of processing data, composing texts in different genres, conducting research to find relevant information, etc. A master’s degree gives more opportunities to become a sports journalist due to a higher number of skills and greater knowledge. 

  • Engage in self-education. 

Besides visiting the university and learning the basics about journalism, you should go further and maximize the number of sources. Read journalist materials to understand how authors compose the information, listen to podcasts, and watch interviews. Use every available source to discover more about your future job. Visiting topic-related master classes and meetings to receive insights from top speakers—experienced journalists who share their experience with the younger generation.  

Those not interested in building a successful career can find several ways to study less and skip all writing tasks. For example, hiring a specialist from an essay writing service resolves all the problems, but will it be profitable for individuals? If you want to stand out from the crowd and work in top-notch sports media as a reporter, writer, caster, or any other specialist, you should use every opportunity to improve your skills. 

Build Connections 

The most significant advantage for journalists is to be informed about all core events in the area first. If you received exclusive information, use it to your advantage and become the first to share it. However, you can receive such information if you have a reliable source. 

Once you have interviewed a sports team member, a player, a manager, or someone else, stay in touch with them. If there are any updates about the situation with the team, or they share information that will surprise their fans, you will be the first to announce it. Moreover, building connections with club members and athletes allows you to dispel rumors and provide only approved information. Being a reliable journalist will enable you to earn a reputation and become a valuable personality in the media world, as people will respect you and your work. 

Follow Popular Media 

To be the best, you have to learn from the best. When discussing sports journalism, people mention popular media that work with the highest standards and generate content millions of people like. We highlight two media worth your attention: Sky Sports and ESPN. 

Sky Sports 

It is a famous British broadcaster that offers extensive coverage of spots around the globe. It covers multiple disciplines and has a broadcasting channel for each activity, providing live broadcasting, commentary, and expert analysis. 

Despite focusing on video content, Sky Sports also publishes analytical articles, commentaries, event reviews, and other textual content related to the latest events.  


Although this is a basic cable sports channel, ESPN is the most popular sports media. MLB, NBA, and MLS are the main focus of this media. Journalists put the top headlines in a separate block to draw people’s attention so readers can see the main news faster and check them first. 

The authors also focus on posting highlights from sports events as they again focus on drawing people’s attention and allowing them to watch the best moments of the event they missed. 

These two giants demonstrate a great balance between mixing video and textual content. Even though both media are sports channels focusing on broadcasting, their reporters post lots of analytical materials about recent events, analyze matches, and predict what will happen to the team or the player shortly. 

Sports Journalist – A Tough Start 

It’s important to understand that the start of your career won’t be perfect. You will begin with zero experience, no contacts, and a clear understanding of how to do things. Moreover, during your first internship, you will probably act as a volunteer, so it’s your opportunity to gain expertise and start building your portfolio. There is no need to be upset because this is the first step to success. 

The first steps will be stressful because you have to learn quickly and analyze your mistakes, doing everything to improve your materials in the future. It’s essential to listen to everyone who gives you advice. People who work with you have already made mistakes, so they know how to help you avoid them. What’s more, you can ask for advice if something seems complicated. 

Follow Top Personalities 

“To be the best, you must learn from the best.” This is the same principle as with the top media. Top-notch journalists on contract with a specific media shape their styles so people immediately recognize them. Still, these personalities have a very high rate, but the media want to have them in their teams even though they pay a lot. Being a sports journalist means being involved in all processes related to your area (for example, soccer or baseball), so you should follow those who deliver insights earlier than anyone else. 

You can follow such personalities as Adam Schefter, Bill Simmons, and Jeff Passan. Besides publishing in the media, they also demonstrate significant social media activity, sharing thoughts and analyzing sports events. Moreover, some have an exceptional understanding of the discipline they cover. For example, Jeff Passan, who covers baseball for ESPN, has excellent knowledge. It means he clearly understands what he is writing about, places the right accents, and includes all the vital information in the text, making it extremely comfortable to read. 

Summing Up 

Learning to become a professional sports journalist is a comprehensive process that requires something more than visiting classes and delivering writing tasks to professors. Those who want to build a career, become masterful specialists, and cover their preferred discipline should work a lot and take advantage of every opportunity to advance their skills and knowledge. This approach is the only way to succeed in such a competitive area, and hesitation will only slow down the process.