A happy family starts with a happy mother.

Have you ever heard this expression before? This phrase is definitely true. When a mother feels or experiences sadness and stress, it will easily transmit to other family members.

This is why a mother’s feelings often can be reflected in the child’s behavior.  Moreover, if a mother’s stress is not properly managed, there can be changes in behavior which can make the mom become insensitive, less responsive, and even seem ignorant of the needs of her children. This will impact how the child’s will be as they grow up.

Photo by Hollie Santos on Unsplash

Why Stay-at-Home Mom is Prone to Stress?

Being busy taking care of the house, work, and caring for children sometimes makes some mothers feel like they’re stuck in a routine. This is the main contributor which often makes a mom forget about how to make themselves happy and end up easily feeling depressed.

Stay-at-home moms have lots of duties and responsibilities in running the household, especially if they have toddlers. Some of the factors that make stay-at-home moms prone to stress include:

  • Stay-at-home moms are responsible for taking care of all household needs such as cleaning the house, washing clothes, cooking, and caring for children. This task must be done every day and without a day off, thus can make them feel exhausted at all times.
  • Moms who stay at home, often feel isolated and lonely because they do not have adequate social interaction.  This can cause prolonged stress and anxiety.
  • A stay-at-home mom is often faced with high social demands, such as the expectation to always look beautiful, their house needs to always look pristine, and their child should be on good behavior all the time. This can cause psychological pressure and lead to stress.
  • Lack of “me time” often makes it difficult for stay-at-home moms to find alone time for themselves. Thus, they don’t have the opportunity to do fun activities or relax. 
  • Conflicts in the household can also make mom feel uncomfortable and stressed.  For example, conflicts with spouse, or difficulties in managing household finances.

How to be a Happier Mom?

Keep in mind that stress is a serious problem and can negatively affect your physical and mental health. Therefore, it is important for you as a mom to find ways to manage stress effectively.

Understanding that a mom has to feel content and happy first is important to create a happy family. Here are some simple tips that you can apply in order to be a happier mom, despite the many turbulences that you have to face.

1.   Don’t always listen to others

Not all people’s suggestions have to be followed, including your family members. Most people, especially those who have experience in being a mom first, often think they know it all. Thus, some of them may lecture you and judge you for what you choose to do for your family.

You should not be too worried about what others say or comment. Equipping yourself with various information is important. However, if you hear too much and always absorb other people’s opinions, this can make you feel unsure about your own choices and decisions.

It’s good for you to be more selective in choosing the advice and information you get.  Even though you have attended seminars and read many parenting books, you still need to trust your own instinct and experience in determining the right thing for your family.

2.   Don’t take others judgment to heart

You may hear other people comment on what is lacking or wrong about the way you raise your children. These comments can be hurtful and make you doubt your ability to raise your family. But remember, that you don’t need to listen to all those negativity.

Sort back which comments are constructive and which are not. As a mother, you don’t have to think about other people’s judgments. You can even choose to limit communication or interaction with people who constantly judge you as a way to keep your mental health in check.

3.   Flexible with rules

Being flexible with the rules can be fun for both parents and children. You can give special treatment to your children if they do something good. It’s like a pat on the back that can urge them to keep doing good things.

For example, allow your little one to sleep after 9 PM on weekends if they can follow their sleep routine on weekdays without being reminded. Or you do not have to worry or blame yourself if you failed to do a household chore that you’ve scheduled on your to-do list.

4.   Reorder priorities

Reordering the priority list can also make your life easier. For example, why don’t you treat yourself once in a while if you notice that you are too tired? Even if you are the kind of person who puts your finances first and is very mindful of your spending – but once in a while, it’s okay if you want to spare money and hire a cleaning service to help tackle household chores as a way to ease your burden.

5.   Treat yourself once in a while

Treating yourself can be done by taking time for yourselves and asking your partner or closest family to take care of your children. You can go out to socialize with your friends, or have “me time” such as a spa day. These self-care activities will help uplift your mood and make you happier.

If you are unable to do it, you can even set a time to do online shopping for yourself. You can do it while your little one is napping, or during the night when you are able to get a quiet time for yourself. Shopping online can be done much easier with online platforms nowadays. Once in a while splurge for your needs and for what you want, without being too concerned about money. This can be a thank you gift for yourself, because you’ve done well as a stay-at-home mom. Guarantee when you receive your package, you will be very happy and in a splendid mood!

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