There are a few words that you should always avoid using in your PPC adverts if you want to see better results. These words are highly effective at reducing click-through rates (CTRs) and can end up costing you a lot of money in the long run. In this article, we’ll take a look at five of the worst offenders and explain why you should avoid them at all costs.

1. “You”

When creating adverts, it’s important to remember that you’re speaking to a very specific audience. Using the word “you” in your advert copy is a great way to connect with your target customers and make them feel like you’re talking directly to them. However, using “you” too often can come across as pushy or sales-y, which will turn people off.

2. “Free”

The word “free” is another one that you should use sparingly in your adverts. While everybody loves getting something for nothing, using the word “free” too often can make your brand seem cheap or low-quality. If you do want to offer something for free, make sure it’s something that your target customers will actually find valuable.

3. “Guaranteed”

Making grandiose claims in your adverts is a surefire way to turn people off. Using words like “guaranteed” or “100% satisfaction” makes it sound like you’re desperate to make a sale, which will put people on edge. Stick to making honest, realistic claims that you can back up with evidence.

4. “Best”

When it comes to the word “best,” it’s important to think about what you want your adverts to achieve. Are you looking for the most effective way to reach your target audience? The most affordable option? The most popular choice?

Whatever your goals, it’s better to exclude the word “best” from your adverts, as it can be seen as a subjective term. Instead, focus on specifying the benefits of your product or service, and let your potential customers decide what’s best for them.

5. “Cheap”

Much like the word “free”, using “cheap” in your adverts can make your brand seem low-quality. If you do want to talk about price in your advert copy, focus on how much value your product or service offers instead of how little it costs.

The Benefits of Excluding Certain Words From Your PPC Adverts

According to PPC experts Bulldog Digital Media, there are a number of benefits to excluding certain words from your PPC adverts. Firstly, it can help to improve the quality score of your adverts, as well as make them more relevant to the searcher. Secondly, it can also help to lower your cost-per-click (CPC), as you will be targeting a more specific audience. Finally, it can also help to increase the click-through rate (CTR) of your adverts, as they will be more targeted and relevant.


When it comes to writing effective PPC adverts, there are a few words you should avoid using if you want to see better results. These words can deter people from clicking on your advert and may even cause them to mistrust your brand. In this article, we’ve highlighted five of the most harmful words you should exclude from your PPC adverts. If you want to create successful campaigns that generate leads and sales, make sure to avoid these terms.

Photo by Sigmund on Unsplash