This is a show which puts women’s experience at the forefront of war stories.
In their masks they take us back to the Trojan War, and the tragic fate of Mighty Hector and his wife Andromache
Unmasked they appear on stage as Bea and Alec – an Army officer’s wife facing the trauma of her husband’s declining mental health and the risk of death he faces in repeated tours of duty in Afghanistan.
In real life Genevieve Dunne and Jonathan D’Young are a married couple in the challenging situation of coming to Edinburgh Fringe from East Anglia and staging a show while also caring for their 9-month-old son Orien (and dog Suki).
The show continues at the Army At The Fringe venue at 6pm on 21 and 23-28 August.

Founding Editor of The Edinburgh Reporter.
Edinburgh-born multimedia journalist and iPhoneographer.