George Rothery (pictured) has re-signed for Armadale Devils and the Cumbrian racer believes he learned a lot in his first season on track with the National Development League club.

He said: “I’ve really been missing being on the bike as I haven’t had a chance to practice yet. I’ll be getting plenty of laps in before the start of the season and I can’t wait to be back with the Devils.

“Some forget it was really my first year at this level so I learned a lot on how to get ready for a match and what is needed during it and things like that.

“Obviously. I had too many falls and that’s not good for anyone so this year I’ll be working on that. I now know that sometimes just waiting a bit or even just picking up the points of the position I am in is more valuable than going for the win and falling off.”

The 24 year old believes this will be a successful year for the cub and said: “Last year we surprised a few finishing fifth and I think we were in third at one point.”

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