Tom Celeketic, a singing teacher from Edinburgh, is testing his singers’ stamina by putting together yet another charity concert to raise funds for Young Lives vs Cancer, the UK’s leading cancer charity for children and young people, and their families. 

Apollo Theatre Arts School based in Edinburgh and Monument Performing Arts School from Stirling, as well as Tom’s private students, and Tom himself, will use their collective voices to raise awareness of the charity.

Tom says he has a personal connection to this cause, but he comes from a country which does not have a charity like this one. Instead, people with cancer are still stigmatised and forgotten. He feels that raising awareness is even more important than raising funds.

Tom said: “Joining voices in song is always sublime, but joining voices for a noble cause is even better.

“A beautiful thing with this specific concert is that the cause brings 25 performers together. They all have different backgrounds, sing different music genres, come from different places – but they all have the same goal. 

“This group of people have already sung together for this cause. At our November charity concert, they raised £1,300 for Young Lives vs Cancer. We plan on holding more events such as this one, because we all feel that charity work and helping those in need is vital.” 

The concert is being held on Sunday, 30 January 2022 at 7 PM in Leith Arches.

Young Lives vs Cancer is the charity that helps children and young people up to the age of 25 and their families find the strength to face whatever cancer throws at them. The charity’s social workers offer specialist, empowering support, its Homes from Home offers families a free place to stay nearby to the child’s hospital and offers grants to help families to navigate the costs of cancer.

Tickets below or on the door on the night (cash only).