The transport charity Collaborative Mobility UK (CoMoUK) has answered a Scottish Government consultation asking for greener travel to be placed at the heart of planning.

If developments have more than 50 houses then they believe that mobility hubs with facilities such as electric vehicle charging points, bike share and car club schemes should all form part of the plan. And in smaller developments the charity wants at least one of these shared transport initiatives included.

CoMoUK pioneers the use of mobility hubs. These combine public transport stops for buses, trams and trains with bike share schemes, car clubs, electric vehicle charging points, bike racks and shared taxi rides as well as community facilities such as cafés, parcel collection points, fitness areas, wifi, phone charging and green space. The hub is backed with real-time journey planning information, covered waiting areas, walking areas and disabled access.

Lorna Finlayson, Scotland director of CoMoUK, said: “Scotland cannot achieve the reduction in greenhouse gasses it needs without changing the way people move about.
“Reform to the planning system over the coming years provides an opportunity to do exactly that.
“All over the country new housing estates are being built – that provides the perfect chance to install more mobility hubs.
“People who have just moved are more open to changing their transport habits and trying out new opportunities.
“This is an action the government could take now which would have a positive impact on the environment, the economy and public health.
“Getting this right will help everyone and assist the government in many of the targets it has set itself across a range of issues.”

The CoMoUK submission states: “By embedding shared transport and mobility hub policy into NPF4, shared mobility can grow further, developing a national network of hubs, serving a wider population and diverse locations and communities. It can contribute to the decarbonisation of the transport sector as well as the rebalancing of the planning system to prioritise climate and the four main outcomes by 2050.”