Hibs will have a major say in the initial planning phase for the resumption of football with Executive Chairman Ron Gordon, Chief Executive Leeann Dempster and Senior Operations Manager Colin Millar all sitting on sub-groups of the SFA Board Joint Response Group.

Any resumption will be done in line with current Scottish Government and Chief Medical Officer advice – as updated in the First Minister’s publication of Looking Beyond Lockdown – and in cognisance of the current suspension of Scottish football until June 10.

The JRG sub-groups will be integral to that process and are formed under the jurisdiction of the Scottish FA Board.

Each group has been assigned a rolling two-week update period in which to undertake research in order of priorities outlined by the chair. The sub-groups will provide recommendations in key operational, logistical and commercial areas to ensure the safe and efficient return to Scottish football for all stakeholders, in line with the Scottish Government’s Framework for Decisions.

The sub-groups are comprised of subject matter experts from across Scottish football are as follows:

1. Medical and Player Welfare (co-chaired by Dr John MacLean and Duncan Fraser)

2. Club and Stadium Operations (Co-chaired by Ian Maxwell/Mike Mulraney)

Hibs’ Chief Executive Leeann Dempster will sit on this group.

3. Supporter Welfare (Co-chaired by Mike Mulraney/Ian Maxwell)

Colin Millar, Hibs’ Senior Operations Manager will sit on this group.

4. Broadcasting and Innovation (Chaired by Neil Doncaster)

Hibs’ executive Chairman Ron Gordon will sit on this group.

5. Regulation (Chair Calum Beattie)

6. Grassroots (chaired by Thomas McKeown)

Rod Petrie, Scottish FA President and Chair of the Joint Response Group: “I am pleased by the response among members to assist the Joint Response Group in planning for the safe and expedient return of Scottish football when it is deemed safe to do so by the government and medical experts.

“The First Minister published a framework to assist in the country’s recovery from COVID-19, including preparing for the transition from lockdown or any easing thereof and adjusting to a ‘new normal’.

“We will continue to adhere to the government advice but equally we have an obligation to undertake the necessary preparatory work to ensure the national game is ready to return at the appropriate time.

“We are also mindful of the crucial role football can play as the national sport during the recovery period and have noted the proposed return of the Premier League in England by the Department of Culture Media and Sport in England ‘to raise the spirit of the nation’.

“We look forward to the opportunity to discuss football’s timeframe in Scotland in early course as part of the Scottish Government’s virtual roundtable for sporting bodies announced by the First Minister today.”

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John graduated from Telford College in 2010 with an HNC in Practical Journalism and since then he worked for the North Edinburgh News, The Southern Reporter, the Irish News Review and The Edinburgh Reporter. In addition he has been published in the Edinburgh Evening News and the Hibernian FC Programme.