Scottish Greens joined thousands of young people today on marches in Scottish cities calling for urgent action to tackle the Climate Emergency.

Alison Johnstone MSP and Andy Wightman MSP joined co-leader Lorna Slater at an enormous march in Edinburgh, Patrick Harvie MSP and Ross Greer MSP joined strikers in Glasgow, Mark Ruskell MSP was in Dundee while John Finnie MSP spoke at the rally in Inverness.

The event has been the largest global event yet to call for urgent action to tackle global warming.

Councillor Chas Booth attended the march with his young children PHOTO ©2019 The Edinburgh Reporter

Outside parliament In Edinburgh, Scottish Greens parliamentary co-convener Alison Johnstone sent a message to Scottish and UK governments: “If you won’t listen to adults calling for action, for heaven’s sake listen to our young people. They know what they’re talking about. They’re the ones who are going to have to live with the consequences of inaction on this issue.

“I’m so proud of Scotland’s young people, gathering here at parliament to give a very clear message – action on climate now.”

Speaking in Glasgow’s George Square, Scottish Greens co-leader Patrick Harvie said: “The positivity, the energy and the hope people are showing here today is right around the world.

“Next year the global climate conference is coming to Glasgow, and we need to build a movement demanding transformational change that will tackle the climate emergency and invest in the sustainable future that the whole world needs.”

George Square in Glasgow early morning Friday 20 September 2019 getting ready for the climate change protesters arrival PHOTO ©2019 The Edinburgh Reporter
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Edinburgh-born multimedia journalist and iPhoneographer.