Lauren Booth has been and is on a remarkable personal journey.

The daughter of TV star, Tony Booth, her life goes from an unconventional Hampstead life; developing a career as a journalist on the back of her relationship with the Blairs (she is Cherie’s half sister) to the conversion to Islam, the subject of which is at the heart of the show.

Through film and photographs as well as Lauren Booth’s engaging personality, she develops a warm relationship with the audience.

The story of her conversion is fascinating, stemming from a trip to Gaza from Cyprus. This all stems from the kindness of strangers but it strikes a chord at the right time in Ms Booth’s life.

There is a moment that juxtaposes “All things bright and beautiful” with her nascent conversion.

Lauren Booth has become a high profile campaigner for the Palestinian cause but there is very little polemic in this piece. It is simply a woman welcoming a path opening up for her.

If you want to know more about the political zeitgeist of 2019, then you could do worse than see Lauren Booth at the Gilded Balloon on Teviot.