Police are appealing for witnesses following two housebreakings in Midlothian.

The first incident happened between 11:30pm on Sunday 14th of July and 12:40am on Monday the 15th of July, when a house in Wymett Gardens, Millerhill was broken into and two vehicles stolen, a Red Hyundai Tuscon, registration number SL67 YSP and a Grey Saab Estate registration number S4 GRF.

The second incident took place around 11.45pm on Monday 15th of July when a house in Rullion Road, Penicuik was broken into and a white Audi S5 Coupe was stolen from outside. A white vehicle, similar to a Volkswagen was seen driving away from the area at the time of the incident. 

Constable Russell Taylor from the Musselburgh Community Investigation Unit said, “We are progressing investigations into these incidents under Operation Greenbay, Police Scotland’s dedicated response to criminals in the east of Scotland who seek to steal motor vehicles as part of their criminal enterprise.

“Enquiries are ongoing to trace the stolen vehicles and I would urge anyone who remembers seeing any suspicious activity within Wymett Gardens or Rullion Road to get in touch.

“We also want to remind householders of the importance of keeping your possessions safe when at home. Don’t leave valuables visible through doors or windows and consider using a key box to secure your car keys within your home.”

Anyone with information can contact the Community Investigation Unit via 101 and quote incident number 5320, 15th July, (Rullion Road) or Inc 676, 15th July (Wymett Gardens). Alternatively, an anonymous report can be made to the charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

John graduated from Telford College in 2010 with an HNC in Practical Journalism and since then he worked for the North Edinburgh News, The Southern Reporter, the Irish News Review and The Edinburgh Reporter. In addition he has been published in the Edinburgh Evening News and the Hibernian FC Programme.