The car park at Asda on Sandpiper Drive will be reduced in size if planning permission is granted for 40 homes as applied for by Robertson Living recently.

Edinburgh Dog and Cat Home have applied for permission to put up a new hoarding on the Prom running to 170 metres in length and bearing adverts at intervals for their work with cats and dogs.

At Broomhouse Market there is an application to change a shop into a hot food takeway with a new extraction duct in the roof.

An application has been lodged to build six one-bed apartments with associated pedestrian access, hard and soft landscaping, bicycle and bin storage on Broughton Road.

The Café Royal may have a new sign soon if their plans are approved for a new illuminated panel on West Register Street.

Location plan of proposed extension to Jury’s Hotel on Jeffrey Street

Behind Jury’s Inn on Jeffrey Street there are proposals to create a new 131 bed boutique hotel along with a 101 bed extension to the hotel, two blocks with 31 flats and also some retail units. This will involve converting two floors of a Grade C listed 19th century tenement to form the new hotel entrance and links through the site by way of closes nearby, There will be a stepped access from Jeffrey Street to the High Street and a wheelchair access from Jeffrey Street to the top of the site.

Section of the proposed extension to the Jury’s Hotel on Jeffrey Street

On Gorgie Road plans have been lodged to demolish the two-storey Scotmid store and convert the four upper levels to student flats with room for 121 students. There would be 100% cycle parking study spaces and a reception. The redevelopment will also furnish Scotmid with a state-of-the-art store with energy saving refrigeration technology and the new Food to Go range.

The council has granted permission for a new St Crispin’s school at Burdiehouse with hard and soft landscaping, land regrading, sprinkler tank enclosure, bin store, cycle shelter, substation, drop-off and car parking. It will be built on a brownfield site where the former Burdiehouse Primary School was until it closed in 2010 and was then subsequently demolished. This is one of the important parts of the planning appraisal report :

“It is assessed that the effects of the proposals on the character of the Burdiehouse Burn corridor would be locally beneficial. This is because the proposals would result in a change in the character of the site from one of dereliction to that of positive and managed use, and the proposals are of a scale and design sympathetic to its landscape setting, visible only in when close proximity to the site.”

The new St Crsipin’s School

A planning application has been lodged by Edinburgh Forthside Developments to create a new 4.4 hectare park in the north of the city at Western Harbour on ‘Vacant land associated with former port use’. A community growing space is included in the plans.

The new park near Western Harbour
Edinburgh from Calton Hill
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Founding Editor of The Edinburgh Reporter.
Edinburgh-born multimedia journalist and iPhoneographer.