Skullduggery? This Is Deadly Serious

A wig, a cap a stetson? Splinters Productions present

GET A LIFE!  The Studio Thursday 28 – Saturday 30 March 2019 

A not altogether crazy look at a crazy world.

Acclaimed Scottish actors John Shedden and Finlay McLean (plus skeleton) perform a series of weird and wonderful sketches. You’ll meet a variety of hilarious characters from the land of the living (and the dead).

Judge the judge, be starstruck by the astronomer, eavesdrop on the Prime Minister and the President, witness two extraordinary interviews as Hamlet and Shylock return to rewrite their stories! You can even throw your undies at Wolf (the heartthrob) Humperhoven! 

Out of this kaleidoscope of theatre, social satire, politics and parody, emerges a startling view of the crazy world we live in! 

Tickets here.