Mackie’s of Scotland are sponsoring MagicFest’s Now You See it, Now You Don’t – a photography exhibition at the Scottish Storytelling Centre that is free and open to the public from tomorrow 13 December 2018 until 26 January 2019.

Recreating famous optical illusions across the city, with young carers aged between five and 17, Scottish magician-scientist Kevin Quantum and Swedish magician Charlie Caper have teamed up with YouTube star Professor Richard Wiseman to produce the gravity-defying set-ups.

To celebrate the Year of Young People, MagicFest have partnered with Edinburgh Young Carers and YouTube superstar Professor Richard Wiseman for the jaw-dropping photo exhibition.

The exhibition recreates a series of the most famous optical illusions, staged all over Edinburgh, with 30 young carers aged between 5 and 17 involved in the planning team and as models.

 Karin Hayhow shows off a trick