In this the centenary year of Spike Milligan’s birth, Chris Larner and Jeremy Stockwell celebrate the life and work of this British comedy legend with laughs, songs, philosophy and utter, utter silliness.

Courtesy of Michael von der Lohe

Spike Milligan was a man whose tireless comedic invention redefined the landscape of British comedy. His influence is everywhere from Monty Python, Robin Williams and Eddie Izzard to The Mighty Boosh, Vic & Bob and countless others.

Stockwell and Larner delve into the heart of Spike’s mayhem, finding the cosmic in the comic, the humour in the human condition and the undeniable idiot in us all. In a show of unbridled fun, they sift through the layers of Milligan madness and only find more of it.

Tickets here

Pleasance Dome Venue 23 | 1-17 August 2018 (not 13 and 20)