The Prime Minister welcomes her guests to a Burns Supper earlier this evening.

Also in shot is Alberto Costa and Keith Sceogh (yes that’s how the official list described Keith Skeoch joint CEO of Standard Life Aberdeen) two of the guests.

Gary Maclean, the chef brings in the haggis. He was winner of Masterchef Professionals in December 2016.

The guests included several people who made the trip from Edinburgh to be there.

Here is the guest list:

• Keith Anderson, ScottishPower

• Sir Henry Angest

• Lady Angest

• Charles Albert Armstrong

• Ian Bankier, Glenkeir Whiskies Ltd

• Karen Betts, Scottish Whisky Association

• Andrew Bowies MP

• Liz Cameron, Scottish Chamber of Commerce

• Colin Clark MP

• Alberto Costa MP

• David Dugauid MP

• Rab Forman, Scottish Conservative & Unionist Party

• Jayne Anne Gadhia, Virgin Money

• Ann Gloag, Stagecoach

• Luke Graham MP

• Bill Grant MP

• Colin Grassie, Scottish RFU

• Angus Grossart, Noble Grossart

• Kirstene Hair MP

• The Rt Hon the Lord Keen of Elie QC

• Stephen Kerr MP

• John Lamont MP

• Rt Hon David Lidington MP

• John Littlejohn, SocialBite

• Professor Sally Mapstone, St Andrews University

• Shona McCarthy, Edinburgh Fringe

• James Allan McColl, Clyde Blowers

• Sir Amyas Morse, National Audit Office

• The Rt Hon David Mundell MP

• Keith Sceogh

• Sue Noffke, Schroders

• Terry Scuoler

• Professor Charles Skene

• Merryn Somerset Webb

• James Stewart

• Sheela Stewart

• Ross Thompson MP

• Boyd Tunnock, Tunnock’s Teacakes

• Ted Webster, Queen Mary University’s Bioenterprises Innovation