In Leith’s Bernard Street, a statue of Scotland’s bard, Robert Burns stands proud. This statue is the latest famous landmark to feature in the nationwide ‘Window to Scotland’ campaign launched by leading home improvements firm, CR Smith, together with Edinburgh Trams.

For the next two years, the long-established home improvements firm is wrapping Edinburgh’s Trams in highly visual artwork that uses dramatic Scottish imagery and landmarks to reflect the geographical spread of CR Smith’s customer base and to celebrate Scotland’s soul and personality.

The Burns statue appears in the latest designs running on the tram tracks, with the caption ‘from Leith tae Alloway’, with the Ayrshire town represented in the image by a wee timorous beastie.

Gerard Eadie CBE, Executive Chairman of CR Smith said:

“The image of the Robert Burns’ statue in Leith is particularly striking. I hope that the addition of the mouse perched on his foot, would amuse him.”


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Author of The Team for Me - 50 Years of Following Hearts. Runs Mind Generating Success, a successful therapy practice in Edinburgh. Contact me if you want rid of any unwanted habits. Twitter @Mike1874