After their critically acclaimed debut in 2016, comedians Dan Lees and Neil Frost return to Edinburgh with The Establishment: Eton Mess at the Assembly George Square Theatre.
The one hour show combines the best of clowning, satirical wit and British stiffed lipped eccentricity. Two ultra-privileged British gents, struggling to hold on to their values, wealth and power, their whimsical world of cricket, tea and secret arms deals is under threat and they’re not giving up that easily. Keep calm and carry on.
The Establishment: Eton Mess is a highly spirited and extremely fun show with a satirical edge.
2 – 28 August 2017 (Not 6 and 14 ) | 5pm| Assembly George Square Theatre – Omnitorium George Square | EH8 9LK |Suitable 14+ |Duration:
60 minute, no Interval.