Still alive and willing…

Image – Scotland’s Robyn Collins at today’s training session 

Second full day of stuff with Scottish Hockey’s women started as per Day 1, with a session of activation exercises with Scottish Institute of Sport’s head of Strength and Conditioning, Phil Moreland. This was relatively gentle session of exercises designed to get the body primed for the day’s exertions. Almost missed this one as I’d set my alarm for a week hence and compounded the situation by sleeping for longer than I had since I was about 5! Almost 10 hours….

After breakfast it was ‘Team Photos’ time with the full squad, including coaching staff, done first, followed up by a series of head-shots for Scottish Hockey. A few extra sponsors shots were added in for good measure and, although it’s probably not the most interesting session of ‘activity’ the players will be involved in over the next 10 days or so, they all entered it with the air of professionalism to be expected of an elite International sports team. Made my job so much easier.

The team arrived at the tournament venue for their scheduled training session to find the Russian squad still on the pitch. They had, to be fair, been let down by the organisers and were very late to the pitch for their session. However, a quiet word in the appropriate ear and they left in time for the Scottish session, which went ahead – in the rain to start with – for the allotted time.

After lunch – Paella, chicken and roast veg (someone has to take one for the team!), Phil and I went off for a wee stroll to the beach. We sorted out some of the problems in the sporting world, even though he is infinitely – plus a fair bit – more qualified than me to do so. Beach area? Not so different to Portobello in the dull, damp, overcast weather. But I’ve never laid eyes on the Mediterranean before, so I was quite interested to find that it is sea coloured. Imagine that….

Before I give up, it should probably be noted – should anyone care – that the enthusiasm for a daily diary post will, more than likely, fade by day 4 or 5, or maybe earlier. Just saying……..

Next on the agenda, ‘something to do until bed-time’, then bed-time. With the alarm set for this week!