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Emerging new theatre company Push to Shove present a unique physical theatre retelling of Dracula at Edinburgh Fringe Festival this year. The company’s adaptation of Bram Stoker’s masterpiece poses questions about sexuality and temptation.

Jonathan Harker is imprisoned by the purest of evil, a silent seductive predator watching his every move. The shadows of women, tormented beyond recognition, await one more taste of the living. As Harker falls into the depths of temptation, the mysterious disappearance of his dearest Mina begins to unravel. With stunning physicality, Push to Shove’s wordless adaptation exposes the darkest of Dracula’s world.

Push to Shove is a graduate theatre company from the University of Lincoln established in 2015 who specialise in physicalising the supernatural. This version of Dracula has been in development since January 2015. The company is working in association with The Lincoln Company, who are supported by The University of Lincoln and based at Lincoln Performing Arts Centre. This will be The Lincoln Company’s eighth year at the Fringe performing in C Venues and they have previously worked in association with award winning graduate theatre companies EggBox and FlickBook Theatre.

Dracula will be performed every day at the festival in C Too, a venue beneath one of Edinburgh’s oldest churches. A Perfect taste of the gothic for any fringe-goer.

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