The Follies Of Unfashionable Follicles

Theatre (comedy, new writing)

Tragi-comic, pathos heart-string tuggers, the aptly named Havoc Theatre, surely tempt thespian fate by bringing their foliated follicle challenged show to a festival named The Fringe? Nipped and tucked, prim and trimmed to with in an hour of its whiskers, The Magnificent Bearded Lady is in ‘hursuit’ of a lost cause where only the roar of the grease-paint and the smell of the absent crowds now haunt the echoing chambers of her broken heart.

Supported by Bristol Old Vic Ferment, Dame Nature – The Magnificent Bearded Lady serupticiously sneaks in to our lady’s chamber as she repeats her mantra of  ‘Moisturise. Oil. Comb’. Dreams and memories built on a crumbling foundation.

Dame Nature has been looking after her facial furniture for as long as she can remember. Once the star of the show, now she spends her days in the depths of her dressing room contemplating the fading roar of the crowd, lost love and the merits of Phil Collins’ solo work. A poignant, off-kilter show for people who don’t like to judge a woman by her beard.


Assembly George Square Theatre (Venue 8). 15:00. 1 hour

Suitability: 12+ (Guideline)
Group: Havoc Theatre