EIFF logoUK Premiere

Well,  I’m really not quite sure how to describe Lewis Klahr’s Sixty Six –  it’s a stream of art consciousness, over twelve episodes, most of which have Roy Lichtenstein type characters with speech balloons or voiced by actors, interspersed with beautiful colour slides and pieces of photography, some of it out of focus. Much of the accompanying music is really beautiful and very well chosen.

It is compelling in a strange kind of way, except for the second last set, which consists of a whole lot of broken shots of a wedding/celebration table in black and white and out of focus, which does not seem to be cohesive with the rest.

Making a narrative from the images, some of which have buttons traversing them, is a challenging but not unpleasant way to while away 90 minutes and appreciate the life’s work of this creative artist.  Maybe a double dose of Night Nurse would have helped, though.

Sixty Six // Clip from San Francisco Film Society on Vimeo.

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Mary is a longstanding writer with publications in The Scotsman and a number of independent travel logs and blogs. She has written professionally as part of her 40 year career in education and for pleasure.