2015_04_14 EdiViews-22

Parking in the city

Children’s Panel

Dinosaurs in the City!

Fringe Tip of the Day 

At the Book Festival


The council plan to make changes to the parking charges in the city and Transport Convener, Councillor Lesley Hinds has written an article in the Edinburgh Evening News to explain what they are trying to do. You can read it in full here.

The measures will be debated at the Transport Committee this morning at the City Chambers and include measures to extend the time that people have to pay for parking in Controlling Parking Zones. This will help those with residents’ permits to find a space near to their home when they arrive home in the evening if they use their car for commuting.

The council also wish to promote Active Travel such as walking and cycling as well as public transport as an everyday option. One way they will attempt to do this is to increase enforcement of parking infringements, allowing visitor parking in controlled zones, and also allowing residents to share parking spaces with those from out of town or other areas in the city.

They have surveyed 5000 drivers on a Sunday and found that more than half of those were using a parking space for more than two hours, and a massive 25% were using the parking space for more than six hours. In other words by not having parking charges on a Sunday the council was allowing drivers to simply leave their car in one place. They are going to discourage this by introducing parking charges on Sundays and later in the evening. Councillor Hinds says that the idea is to minimise the parking chaos which she has witnessed in the city on a Sunday, and she also wants people to think whether they actually need to take the car out at all.

Follow the proceedings at the Transport Committee here on the council’s Webcast.


Fancy joining the Children’s Panel? They are currently looking for 560 new volunteers to help them in their work with children at risk or children who need care or who have offended. The Children’s Panel system is unique to Scotland and you can learn more about it by going to the national roadshow at The Gyle Shopping Centre tomorrow Wednesday (26 August).

Staff and existing panel members will be on hand to talk to shoppers about the Children’s Panel and answer any questions, as the six week search for 560 new volunteers across the country gets underway.

Applicants need to be 18 or over. The deadline for applications is 30 September 2015.  To find out more about becoming a panel member, visit www.childrenspanelscotland.org.

Read more here.


Are you ready for T Rex in the city? The Dinosaur Zoo is on its way to Edinburgh next month. Read more here.


Just a reminder about a singing event which is part of Edinburgh Art Festival.

“Hanna Tuulikki uses the voice to build worlds out of sound, immersive ethereal spaces that attempt to unearth an essential relationship with the lore of places. While recent projects have focused on the natural world, her latest performance plays with the acoustic possibilities of architecture.

“SING SIGN: a close duet is a vocal and gestural suite devised for the historic ‘closes’ of Edinburgh’s Royal Mile. In these confined medieval spaces two performers present a playful Baroque scenario. Their face-to-face encounter is also relayed in a film installation, at Gladstone’s Land.”

28 and 29 August are the only dates left and you will get further information about booking (the event is free) here.


jesse Jackson2Photo Alan McCredie for the Edinburgh International Book Festival

Did you miss the chance to get tickets for the Rev Jesse Jackson at the Book Festival? Then be assured that you can watch it on BBC iPlayer. Click here.

There were those in attendance who said that the programming could have been better as the sound of the Tattoo fireworks drowned out what the civil rights activist had to say at one point.

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Founding Editor of The Edinburgh Reporter.
Edinburgh-born multimedia journalist and iPhoneographer.