
Leith School of Art Summer Exhibition: a showcase of the work of the School’s students at the end of their year-long and part-time courses. The School has introduced several new courses in 2014-15, so the exhibition will take place over all three campuses: 10am-4pm today at St James’ campus only, then at same times at St James, North Junction Street and Coburg House Studios on Friday 26th, Saturday 27th and Sunday 28th June (please note: St James campus will be only be open 1-4pm on Sunday 28th). For full details see the School’s website here.


Cameo Big Scream: screenings exclusively for parents and carers with babies under the age of 12 months. Today’s film is Mr Holmes (PG), starring Ian McKellen in ‘a refreshing new perspective on Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s beloved literary creation’. 10.30am, Cameo, Home Street. Tickets may be purchased in person, by calling the Box Office on 0871 902 5723 or online here. Membership of the Big Scream Club costs £5 and lasts until your baby’s first birthday: club members can buy tickets for these screenings at Picturehouse members’ rates – babies are admitted free.

19. Edinburgh Interfaith AssociationInspired to be Peace People: A Summer Interfaith Peace Occasion. Hindu and Muslim readings, meditation and music; Dr Roger Hyam will speak on The Buddha: A Life for and of Peace, and the Rev Brian Cooper will talk about Jesus of Nazareth: A Life for and of Peace. 7.30pm, Edinburgh Theosophical Society, 28 Great King Street. All welcome: £2 per person (£1 for members of the Society). Organised by Edinburgh Inter Faith Association.

Benji The Play Talk Read Bus is at Pennywell Shops today! Free songs, stories and play sessions for young children, their parents and carers. 10am-1pm and 2-4pm, Pennywell Shops, Pennywell Road.


Edinburgh College of Art Live Q & A: Life as an Art Student. If you’re thinking of studying art, this is a chance to talk to undergraduate students and ask your questions about ECA programmes, student life at ECA and living in the city. There are three sessions, and you may register for as many as you like: (1) 3-4.30pm: MA Fine Art (2) 4-5.30pm, BA (Hons) Art (Painting and Sculpture) (3) 5-6.30pm BA (Hons) Art (Photography and Intermedia).  Registration may be made via eventbrite here. Please note that students will not be able to provide advice on application processes; these queries should be directed to HSSUG@ed.ac.uk.

grainne brady

Live Music Now: Grainne Brady and Tina Jordan Rees. A young fiddle and piano duo from Cavan and Lancashire, playing unique arrangements of their own exciting compositions, inspired by traditional Irish and Scottish music – with a spot of percussive Irish step dance! 6-6.30pm, Scottish National Portrait Gallery, 1 Queen Street. Free and unticketed.

himalayan centreSummer Carbon Conversations with the Himalayan Centre: a programme of six free weekly sessions (you can attend as many sessions as you wish) to support people who want to reduce their carbon impact. Today: Introduction to a Low Carbon Future; next week: Energy in the Home. Refreshments provided . 6-8pm, The Junction, 82 Great Junction Street. For more information and to book, please contact victoria@himalayancentre.org or call 07851 802 002.

Edinburgh International Film Festival continues today! For details of all films and other events see the programme here or pick up a paper copy at EIFF venues and many other locations throughout the city. Tickets are available in person from the Filmhouse, Lothian Road, Cineworld, Fountain Park, Odeon, Lothian Road and the Festival Theatre, by calling 0131 623 8030 or online here. Today’s highlights include International Animation: Panorama, a selection featuring some of the best auteur films released over the past year, The Long Riders, Walter Hill’s first true western and the story of the legendary James Gang, and Barry Purves – The Naked Animator, a special in-person event celebrating the 60th birthday of one of Britain’s eminent animators and offering a revealing insight into the creative process of an artist.

kiana 2Lunchtime Concert: Kiana Shafiei (piano). 12.15pm, St Giles’ Cathedral, High Street. Free.

ragged-universityRagged University: Carbon Conscious Adventures/Genghis Khan. In the first of the evening’s sessions, Simon Byrom will talk about his International Carbon Conscious Bicycle Powered Pedalling Adventures on an inspiring adventure from Sydney through Indonesia, Thailand, Laos, China, Mongolia and Russia. He aims to encourage others to take up independent travel and to raise awareness that another world is possible beyond the current paradigm of power, money and fossil fuel dependency. After a break for refreshments (everyone is asked to bring a food contribution), Donald Carrick will talk on Temujin Rising: How a Slave Would Change World History, using the story of Genghis Khan to show that humans need narrative structure to understand history, and that whether a story is true or not, we seek to make it obey the same rules. 7pm, The Counting House, West Nicolson Street. No booking required, just drop in: all Ragged University events are free. The Ragged Project is about people who love what they do sharing what they have invested their time in. ‘Knowledge is power, but only when it is shared’.

Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh Palmhouse

Meet the Glasshouse Staff: find out more about the Botanics’ stunning collection of glasshouse plants from the people who care for them. Each month you can meet a different member of the indoor horticulture team – this time hear about the plants in the Arid House from Gunnar. 1-2pm, Glasshouse, Royal Botanic Garden, Inverleith Place. skylark surf quizFree with admission to the Glasshouse, which costs £5/£4 (accompanied children under 15  and essential carers free).

Skylark Surf Week: Seaside Steve’s Poseidon Adventure Quiz. This time expect to know the average length of a giant siphonophore or the depth of the Marianas Trench…  8pm, The Skylark, 241-243 Portobello High Street.

Waterstones Presents An Evening with Adam Handling: culinary delights with the Scottish Chef of the Year, who will give an insight into what it takes to reach the final of Masterchef: The Professionals and become the Head Chef at one of London’s finest restaurants. Plus a chance to sample Adam’s famed chocolate orange pistachio cake! 6pm, Waterstones George Street, 83 George Street. Free but please book by emailing edinburghgeorgest@waterstones.com. For more information please call 0131 225 3436.

Tardis-paintingAnnuale – Tardis: A Mini Art Exhibition in Leith Walk Police Box. Small-scale objects, paintings, video, sound and light will transform the Police Box in a colourful and playful exhibition by Emma Macleod. 6-9pm tonight and 1-9pm on Friday 26th June, Leith Walk Police Box, Croall Place, Leith Walk. This event forms part of Embassy Annuale 2015

john knox house and the SSCInside History: John Knox House Revealed. Storyteller and former curator Donald Smith leads a walking tour whilst enacting the true dramas of John Knox House – might Mary, Queen of Scots’ jewels still be hidden there? Why is the building full of Roman Catholic symbolism? And why did John Knox rewrite Scotland’s history – in this house?  1pm or 3pm, Scottish Storytelling Centre, 43-45 High Street. Tickets cost £5 (includes entry to John Knox House) and may be purchased from the Box Office by calling 0131 556 9579 or online here.

greyfriars kirk organ

Spark Greyfriars: Greyfriars Organ 25th Birthday Afternoon Tea Concert. City organist Dr John Kitchen will play a concert of beautiful and tuneful light organ music, which will be followed by tea and cake to celebrate the birthday of the dedication of the Peter Collins organ. 3pm, Greyfriars Kirk, Greyfriars Place. Tickets cost £5 and may be purchased from the Queen’s Hall Box Office in person or by calling 0131 668 2019.

ladies-of-pleasure-image-with-titleLadies of Pleasure: an historic guide to the  intimate pleasures available to Gentlemen in Eighteenth Century Edinburgh – not for the faint hearted! Madame will guide you through the opportunities available in conversation with a gentleman, a long-time aficionado of these pleasures. The occasion will be supplemented with songs and poetry of a bawdy nature, penned by Robert Burns and others. Written and performed by John and Noreen Hamilton of Heritage Stories, this revelation of Edinburgh’s historic nightlife still has the power to shock. For over 16s only. 7.30pm, Netherbow Theatre, Scottish Storytelling Centre, 43-45 High Street. Tickets cost £8/£6 and may be purchased from the Box Office by calling 0131 556 9579 or online here.

Guilty As Sin: 9pm, Old Chain Pier, Trinity Crescent.

guilty as sin