Edinburgh-based McNeill Maguire & McCreath, Chartered Surveyors have announced that, as of today 1st October 2014, they will join with Allied Surveyors Scotland plc. This amalgamation brings together two of Edinburgh’s most long-standing and well respected surveying practices to enhance the services they can offer to clients.

Chris Highton FRICS, the Director in charge of Allied Surveyors’ operations across Edinburgh, Lothians and Borders, said: “This move will further enhance our offering across Edinburgh and beyond. The 3Ms brand is one that has operated in Edinburgh for over 35 years and brings a wealth of experience and a highly respected team of surveyors and support staff.”

He continued: ”There is a great synergy between our two firms and this can only be good for our clients. The combination of our existing team, joined with the 3Ms team, gives us the ability to offer our clients an unbeatable level of service.”

The Managing Director of McNeill Maguire & McCreath, Lindsay Duguid welcomes  the move: “At a time when we have seen a steady recovery in the Edinburgh housing market, it is exciting to be able to offer our clients a bigger and stronger presence in the city and surrounding areas.”

At the same time as the new venture begins, it has also been confirmed that Jim Dallas FRICS will be retiring from the business. Jim is a well known and respected surveyor who has spent decades working in Edinburgh and his local knowledge will be missed.

However, a new surveyor, Associate Director Aisha Akram MRICS, will be joining the team from today. “Aisha has many years experience, previously working from the Allied Dunfermline office. She is well known in Edinburgh and will add to the excellent service which we presently provide.” said Chris. ”This is a really exciting time for us and I hope we can continue to offer all of our existing clients, together with a steadily increasing number of new clients, a level of service which is second to none in the city and beyond.”

Submitted by Simon Breeze


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