eBook Surgery: get help with downloading free eBooks, audiobooks and emagazines. 2-3.30pm, Central Library, George IV Bridge. Free, no appointment required.

coffeeBach Before Breakfast: John Bryden plays Bach and Shostakovich on the Cathedral Steinway.  Coffee and croissants follow. 8.05-8.35am every day until Friday 29th August, St Mary’s Cathedral, Palmerston Place. Free: retiring collection.

Drama Workshop: explore mime, improvisation and working with scripts – build up your confidence and try something new! For ages 12-16. 5.30-6.30pm, Corstorphine Library, 12 Kirk Loan. To book your place drop in to the library or call 0131 529 5506.

Chatterbooks!  This fortnightly group for ages 7-12 starts again today: games, quizes, arts, crafts, reading, chat, juice, biscuits and lots of fun! 4-5pm, Oxgangs Library, Oxgangs Road North. Call in to the library and speak to a member of staff to book your place.

‘Those who live forever unconquered’ – Edinburgh’s First World War Monuments. The First World War Memorials around Edinburgh commemorate the young men of the city who marched off to war, from the Hearts FC players to those who died in the Gretna Green train disaster. The Scots American Memorial is also evocative and poignant. Paul McAuley, Conservation Officer with the City of Edinburgh Council, discusses the memorials using art, artefact and poetry. 12.45-1.30pm, Hawthornden Lecture Theatre, Scottish National Gallery, The Mound. Free and unticketed.

Blackwell’s Edinburgh presents Swim Until You Can’t See Land: Edinburgh-based author Catriona Child launches her second novel, which charts the relationship between two women born sixty years apart whose chance encounter marks a watershed. 6.30-7.30pm, Blackwell’s, South Bridge. Free tickets available from the shop’s front desk, by calling 0131 622 8218, emailing events.edinburgh@blackwell.co.uk or via eventbrite.

Lunchtime Concert: New Beginnings African Children’s Choir from Uganda. 12.15pm, St Giles’ Cathedral, Royal Mile. Free.

Edible Gardening Seasonal Advice: drop in to find out how to grow your own food and take a look around the productive garden with the Edible Gardening Project Team. 1-3pm, Demonstration Garden, Royal Botanic Garden, Inverleith Row. Free, no booking required.

Yann Seznec in conversation: Drill Hall based artist and musician Yann often uses technology as a medium to reveal natural processes that are out of the blue exteriorimperceptible to the human eye and ear. In Currents he expands his interest in technology as a tool, to consider how it shapes our environment. Seznec will talk about his work, ideas and approach with composer and sound artist Martin Parker before giving a performance using the instruments specially created for Currents.  6.30-7.30pm,  Out of the Blue Drill Hall, 36 Dalmeny Street. Free but please book in advance via eventbrite.

Lunchtime Concert: Conal Bembridge-Sayers (tenor) and Tim Stuart (piano) 1.10-1.50pm, St Mary’s Cathedral, Palmerston Place. Free: retiring collection.

Reading Women: this month the group will be discussing The First True Lie by Marina Mander. 6.30pm, Looking Glass Books, 36 Simpson’s Loan. Contact the shop for more information or to be added to the group’s email list.