
The subject of the Scottish Referendum has been with us for a long time and a lot of the discussion is quite serious.

Aye Right How No is a comedy slant on the question of independence. Its hosts Vladimir McTavish and Keir McAllister do a very good job of bringing a lighter side to it all.

Ably assisted by the very funny Propoganda Now lads using some great visuals it all worked very well. I especially liked  the David Cameron speech spliced with a wee bit of Still Game – that was genius.

Different guests appear every night.  These have included Rory Bremner (loads of guests in one!) and Des Clarke.

You can come away from this show with no idea how you will vote but hopefully you come away with a smile on your face after an hour of comedy on a subject which is too often too serious.


The show runs until 24th August 6.30pm The Assembly Rooms George Street.

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Married Father of Three Great Children, Radio Presenting and Article/Review Writing As A Hobby. Lover Of Music and Like To Think I'm A Decent Guy.